Our Operations team here at Sentinel have committed to working towards a target of 99% of items shipped correctly and on time. This takes into account a lot of activities that include our entire purchasing, warehousing and dispatch teams working together.
We keep a score every month of how we’ve performed and are constantly working on improvements and striving to be a better resource for you.
Here’s how we scored in the month of May – Our overall score is sitting on 98.4% as shown below:
We believe to be a valued supplier of Security Fasteners it is critical for us to live up to your expectations and needs of having stock available and having a streamlined process of getting orders out to you fast! This is why we watch this so closely and continuously work on improvements to what we are doing.
Our Operations Goal is split into 2 more detailed areas that combine to give us the below result:
- The number of line items that we send on time.
2) the number of items that we ship correctly.
Thanks to the operations team for your efforts last month – we didn’t quite achieve our target but weren’t too far off. Lets better this result this month!
Have you had an experience you’d like to share with us? tell us about it here